





Christian Resources

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Seismic Radio is a Christian Radio station that aims to be different. It is mostly talk radio. You can access it via your smartphone or computer and it is rebroadcasted in some areas. Check out the website. Going to the resources button there is a huge selection of free eBibles and ebooks and lot's of other stuff avaiable including an amazing audio library.
John Noble's audio library at

Click on the image for a direct link.
John's audio library contains about 200 talks about every conceivable subject. It worthwhile to check it out.
A company helping you to set up a Christian Online Radio station
You are looking to share the message of the Gospel using Digital Media. Christian Digital broadcasting will be able to help you.  A company owning years of experience to maximise your outreach via the net!
Sermon Audio Website
You will find a vast selection of sermons on this site. With several 100k of sermons. If you have a subject of special interest you will find some speakers there for sure. The Good News Broadcasting Association is based in the North of England and produces radio programmes for new and seasoned Christians alike. You can listen to some of their broadcasts.
Pan American Broadcasting
Pan American Broadcasting provides broadcast platforms such as radio and TV for Christian ministries worldwide. If you are a ministy or you want to find about Christian radio stations anywhere in the world PanAmBc should be your first call. They do have an online radio station where you can listen to the ministries working with them.

God in a Nutshell Project
God in a Nutshell Project looks at the things no-one else dares to look at. A very challenging and exciting project. Trey Smith the founder of God in a Nutshell has an deep understanding about old cultures and draws parallels to what is happening in the world today.
A Muslim Journey to Hope

click on the image for the link!
If you know muslims who are open for the Gospel why not draw their attention to this channel. There are many videos of muslims who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour.
Bible Gateway
A superb website for organising your Bible study or to just find that elusive passage you have been thinking about all day.
Creation Headlines

Creationism verses Evolution!
Are one of the few left who still give the theory of evolution the time of the day? There are huge problems with the theory of evolution. More and more facts come to light supporting a young earth and the Genesis report. In contrast with advancing signs there are gaps in the theory of evolution which require blind faith and denial of factual evidence.
Worthy News
A lot of news is filtered and tainted. Worthy News is a Christian website looking for relevant news within a Christian context.
e Christian Resources

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Free ebooks and other resources are available from this website.
Audio Bibles for Download - free!

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Ideal for listening to the Bible whilst driving or when on the move using your ipod. You can download the audio Bible for free from this website.
Website on Hell
A lot of people believe that God is just loving and devoid of justice and that pretty much anybody will make heaven making salvation unnecessary. It is the biggest fallacy in our generation. Hell is real and the only way to avoid is through Jesus Christ.
Check out the website on discussion on the subject of Hell!
Jack Chick Tracts
Jack Chick has produced comic strip tracts for decades. Quite intrigueing to check them out. You can even can etracks. There will be one at the bottom of this page.
Sermon Online

click on image
A straight forward website with vast resource of audio and written materials.
Christian Version of Youtube
There are lot's Christian materials on YouTube but check out GodTube as an alternative
A fairly well rounded Christian website with a lot of resources on the site itself.